A Healthy Holiday Recipe with Quinoa Spaghetti Pasta

This post is sponsored by NOW® and I received complimentary products to try. But, as always – all opinions are my own.

The days leading up to Christmas and between Christmas and New Year’s can be the most magical. But, for some it’s also the most stressful! You may have friends and family in town and lots of mouths to feed. If you indulge in a big, decadent meal on Christmas you’ll likely want easier-to-make options for the next few days. That’s where I come in with my healthy holiday recipe for quinoa spaghetti pasta and meatballs.

Remember, you can always use code AGLAMLIFESTYLE for 20% OFF any NOW® products through December 31, 2021!

A Healthy Holiday Recipe with Quinoa Spaghetti Pasta

My Favorite Healthy Holiday Recipe

Everyone’s definition of healthy may be slightly different. Here’s mine. A healthy meal = a balanced, nutritious meal with a good amount of protein, foods with sources of vitamins, a (relatively) low portion of carbohydrates and some fiber. With that in mind, spaghetti and meatballs is the perfect choice. Once thought of as just a comfort food – now it’s a healthy holiday recipe that you can throw together quickly.

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Quinoa Spaghetti Pasta

Easy Spaghetti and Meatball Recipe

Just a heads up, when I say easy – I really mean it! There are times when you make things from scratch. But, the holidays isn’t always a great time to do that when you’re stressed with so many other things going on.

Instead, I gravitate towards foods I know and love. NOW Foods makes that easy for me because I’m a huge fan of their products (remember this post?). So, for this healthy holiday recipe, I grab my quinoa spaghetti pasta and my favorite jar of pasta sauce from the store along with some pre-made seasoned meatballs.


  • 1 box of quinoa spaghetti (I’m using this one)
  • 1 jar of your favorite pasta sauce
  • 1 package of pre-made meatballs
  • 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil (we love this one)

Directions to make:

  1. Prep the pan to cook the meatballs. Drizzle 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil so they don’t stick.
  2. Cook the pre-made meatballs according to the directions (normally 10-12 minutes, then flip and cook for another 10-12 minutes).
  3. While cooking the meatballs, boil your water for the pasta.
  4. Cook the pasta for 15 minutes.
  5. Heat sauce in saucepan on low to medium heat before adding cooked meatballs.
  6. Serve pasta and top with meatballs and sauce!

I love this healthy holiday recipe because it’s easy to make and tastes delicious. If you haven’t used quinoa spaghetti before, I’m answering a few common questions below.

Quinoa Penne Pasta

Quinoa Spaghetti Pasta

You’ve probably heard of whole wheat pasta, but quinoa? Below are some common questions you might have.

Q: What is quinoa pasta made of?

A: The NOW Foods quinoa spaghetti pasta is made of just three organic ingredients – rice, quinoa, and amaranth (a gluten-free grain).

Q: Does quinoa pasta taste as good as regular pasta?

A: Yes! My personal opinion is that quinoa pasta tastes as good as regular pasta. It has the same texture you’d expect from traditional pasta.

Q: What are the health benefits of eating quinoa pasta?

A: The Living Now® quinoa pasta is a made without wheat, corn or soy, and it’s gluten-free! So, it’s free of those common allergens. Plus, it contains all nine essential amino acids are bodies can’t make and is a good source of fiber!

Organic Quinoa Pasta Recipe
A Healthy Holiday Recipe with Quinoa Spaghetti Pasta
A Healthy Holiday Recipe with Quinoa Spaghetti Pasta

During the holidays, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. But, with just a few simple ingredients, you can make easy, healthy holiday recipes that are wholesome and full of flavor. If you liked this meal idea, be sure to check out NOW Foods for other healthy snacks and products!

Be sure to check out my other posts with Now Foods here and here.

Don’t forget to use my code AGLAMLIFESTYLE to get 20% OFF any NOW® products through December 31, 2021!

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