
5 Best Nursing Bras Review

Your new baby is here! All of a sudden, you’re in mom mode thinking about your milk coming in and when to start pumping and if you should supplement with formula or combo feed. One thing you don’t need to overthink is which nursing bra to wear. I’ve done the hard work for you and tried a bunch! Of course, like every pregnancy and every baby are unique – so are the ladies! Pre-pregnancy I was a full 36C. I’m currently a 36DD. So, be sure to take your size…

7 Cute Maternity Rompers And Jumpsuits

An adult onesie? “Nah, I’ll never wear that,” I said. But, by the middle of my second trimester when my belly popped and in all of my third tri I was craving easy outfits that flattered my new, growing body. One of the best ways to make getting dressed a breeze is to add a few cute maternity rompers and jumpsuits to your closet. Go ahead. Call it an adult onesie! It’s very much on trend and a perfect way to slay your pregnancy style. They’re super convenient to wear…

7 Maternity Shoot Outfit Ideas

Being pregnant is such a special time. Perhaps you’re becoming a first time mom or dad (like me – yay!). Hopefully you’ve got the “glowing skin” that everyone gushes about and you’re happily enjoying the benefits of thicker, shinier, fabulous hair. I’m making it sound all sunshine and rainbows, but I initially struggled with my growing belly. Ugh… nothing fits! Do I want to document this pregnancy? Those are real feelings! But, as the weeks went on I came to love my baby bump and knew I’d miss it when…

Third Trimester Must-Haves

You made it! The third trimester. You’re that much closer to meeting your beautiful baby. For a lot of future mama’s, it’s also when you realize your time is running out to get your important list of to-do’s done before baby arrives. For me, while there were so many fun things happening (my gorgeous baby shower), it was also the hardest 12 weeks of my pregnancy with new symptoms creeping up. Sleep, or rather the lack thereof, was also at its peak with a growing bump making things quite uncomfortable.…

My Fertility Journey

Baby in arms. That’s what our fertility doctor would say to remind us of our goal as we met with their amazing team over the last four years (after a year of trying on our own to get pregnant). While more people are sharing their fertility journey now, in the past it’s been a very taboo topic. My mother often told me growing up (and I swear it wasn’t a scare tactic), “we’re very fertile, Amanda!” So, honestly it never once crossed my mind that my fertility journey would be…

Hi! I'm Amanda.

South Florida fashion and lifestyle blogger Amanda is a romantic at heart whose style leans towards classic, feminine looks. A Glam Lifestyle is an editorial-focused blog for women and shares daily outfit inspiration, luxe beauty and skincare finds, neutral home decor, and lust-worthy travel musings.

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